SBI Credit Cards Customer Care email

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Somashree chak…

Fri, 07/12/2019 - 16:39


My application no 2215106038712. I have applied 31 may but my SBI credit card status not updated. So please solve the matter.

Shakeel Ahamad

Sat, 07/13/2019 - 17:59


I'm not happy with SBI credit card. The Reason of this before some time i have received one massage below attached( Shop for Rs.53000 with your SBI Credit Card ending 2728 during 3-31May'19 & get a Rs.1250 Voucher (Amazon or Flipkart or BigBazaar).Not valid on cash & fuel.T&C) then according to massage I had spand for 53000 But I did not received anyone voucher still I am waiting.

Please advise me how can i get my voucher.

Thank You
Shakeel Ahamad

Mani Prasad Mishra

Thu, 07/25/2019 - 12:48


Sir my credit card sl no 400667653455XXXX had been expired in Jun 2018 i do not have new card even annual maintenance is being charged i have requested to cancel and close the card i am not suppose to give any maintenance charge once credit card not delivered. please waive off my annul maint. charge Rs 295 and close credit card facility thank you pl do needful.

Shakeel Ahamad

Fri, 08/02/2019 - 10:30


Dear sir/madam
i am the credit card holder of sbi credit card. my name Shakeel Ahamad and my complaint ia again about voucher. yes i had received voucher but we cant use this because when i have inter promo code there are showing in valid code .already has been call in costumer care but there is no solution so pls advise me how can i use this voucher .. ......thankyou
Shakeel Ahamad

Satendra Singh

Thu, 08/08/2019 - 21:16


Deare Sir/ Mam,

I closed my credit card on 22-5-2016 but I have not received NOC. can your send me ASAP My NOC. It's pretty urgent. my registered mobile Number 8506981441

Thanks & Regards

Lavin Kumar Garg

Wed, 08/14/2019 - 11:40


Dear Team,

As I am very loyal and financial strong person with good and healthy Cibil Track. Today i am having 3-4 numbers of credit card of reputed bank with healthy limit. Before some days one of your agency executive person aproach me for a credit card i refuse but she is influence me that sir plz apply sir you are already per-approved no need to submit docs.

After two days i ready to apply. Verification on call done and my residence also but today they confirm that your Credit Card decline due to residence verification. First of all that is my own property always my family member in house howz is it possible???????

kindly give me a prpoer reason on this else i am moving to file a complain in bank ombudsman for degrade my Cibil Score.

Application no 22221206013454

Sagar Sawant

Fri, 09/13/2019 - 19:58


Dear sir/madam

please close my credit card ,I am facing Very Very BAD EXPERIENCE so and so not a good service in SBI card. So I am not satisfied this service, for every month extra charge charges why...? please suggest me credit card cancellation process.

DM Shukla

Tue, 09/17/2019 - 03:36


Dear Sir/Madam,

I have been using SBI Gold Card bearing No. 4377 4869 5400 3826 for the last 19 years with the credit limit and cash limit of Rs 1.5 lakh and 0.50 lakh respectively and there had been no default of payment from my side, which may be verified from the past records of transactions available with the Bank. Nor had I ever availed any reward point/redeemed the reward point for the transactions so made in the past. Besides my wife and daughter are using the Add-on Cards at New Delhi while I am posted at Port Blair as Principal Chief Conservator of Forests in Andaman and Nicobar Administration.

Yet to my utter surprise, the credit and cash limits of my card have been unilaterally reduced to Rs. 0.35 lakh which had put me and my family to a lot of inconvenience. Further upon the transactions being declined on 8th and 13th of this month due to insufficient credit limit which was stood at Rs.5083.40 on 13th September, 2019, I had deposited Rs. 1.40 lakh on 14.9.2019 to restore my credit and cash limits without knowing the fact that the sms was sent reducing it to Rs.0.35 lakh.

I had discussed the issue with the customers care and was advised to make a request for restoration of the limits to the original as also for the refund of the excess payment made by me on 14.9.2019.

May I, therefore, request you to kindly restore the credit and cash limits to Rs. 1.50 lakh and Rs.0.50 lakh respectively together with the refund of the excess amount to my SBI savings bank account 10591481435, ifsc: SBIN0018175, PAN No: AUNPS4019G at the earliest.

DM Shukla.

Mohd yusuf

Fri, 09/20/2019 - 07:52


Dear sir/madam sb cr no 47264290560847633 cheque no 554965 amount 7606/- cancellation request no 159150681060 not receved my rbl account rbl Cr no5369077261962155.
Plz check & confirm my account credit.

Sukhwinder singh

Thu, 09/26/2019 - 16:44


I am frustrate with SBI Very poor service by SBI . I used first time sbi credit card,The opening of card past 2 month but till i cant activate this card but now today i received message from SBI your due amount is Rs 1813 without i use card how to generate bill of same.So, i called customer care they make me fool told anuual charges,financial charges,late payment charges.....blllahhh bllahhh without i used card how to make that type of charges.So, guys beware this type of fraud.And also very poor service i called in customer care 8-9 times than connect my call.Dont use SBI CARD FOREVER.

Sumit Kumar Bh…

Sat, 10/26/2019 - 15:40



The Manager,
SBI Credit Card.

Sub- Credit Card Payment

Dear Sir,

I would like to inform you that I m user of Credit Card No- 4207-3991-0578-XXXX. I m using this card before 1 years and doing payment be on date regularly, due to some circumstances from last few month I m unable to pay payments of CC. Few days before I m receive a call from sbi customer support person Mr. Kishor (Mob: 8800456317, 84488744270) they inform I have to pay Rs. 22002/- for the card payment before date and they will do convert my balance amount Rs. 128014/- in EMI. As per they give EMI Structure of balance payment are these amounts (12 Month * 10668; 18 Months * 7361; 24 Month * 5713). I m agreed to pay this balance amount in EMI of 18 Months and I had paid the payment of Rs. 22002/- in date 19/10/2019 by the Reference No – RHDF8111805920 @ 20000/- and Reference No – RHDF8112479472 @ 2002/-. These payments are given as communication with Mr. Kisor, as per them they inform after doing payment my rest amount will convert on emi.

But I still don’t got any update from him and sbi side for my balance amount emi conversion. Now Mr. Kishor had given me this email id – As per our discussion I agreed to pay this amount on 18 Months emi, now I m requesting you that kindly process my emi as per our prior discussion with sbi customer support person Mr. Kishor.

Kindly do as needful awaiting your positive response.

Sumit Kumar Bharadwaj
Mob- 8076693151

Rabindra Chhualsingh

Sat, 01/11/2020 - 18:21


sbi card i am not using and i am already close this card but bill generated. i am not pay this amount so i request please this bill amount reverse.

Himendra negi

Fri, 01/17/2020 - 12:31


I have a credit card but my registered number is missing and email id is not remember. so please hoe can I know details of my credit card.

Himender singh negi

Sun, 01/19/2020 - 20:59


Dear sbi card,
I have sbi credit card I paid my 4 emi 11750 but I don't know about my card status due to user id and mobile otp lost please help me my no. Is 9999154715 And my credit card no. Is 468743607472****.

Narendra Bakare

Fri, 01/24/2020 - 15:05


Sir,/ Madam,

I am using SBI Credit card since last two years. Unfortunately from Nov 2019 I could not may the on line payment. I follow the entire procedure of on line payment. I get OTP. After submitting OTP the system shows, error in transaction. Pl help.


Nitin Kumar

Sun, 03/22/2020 - 20:02



I have applied for card "Simply Save Visa", Ref no. EV19318187744. Following card is not delivered to my mentioned address, and i do not have such card with me. I also informed SBI at, regarding this issue.

Even though they generate bill of amount Rs:- 2632, and i am getting mails and messages continue regarding Bill payments. Because i didn't have this card and i already inform you. Please disclose this Bill payment and Resolve my query as soon as possible.

Application no: 222861005115
Reference Number: EV19318187744

Nitin Kumar
Contact Numaber : 8954741998

Pratip Kumar Mishra

Thu, 04/02/2020 - 12:01


I would like to draw the attention that as a privileged customer I have never been charged annual renewal fee but again it has been charged this year Rs 750 and other charges may be reversed. Further I hvea requested only one EMI for Rs 35670/- for six months. But not for 22174/- no 175185305071 this may be cancelled. Thank you

Ashraf khan

Sat, 07/18/2020 - 14:24


My name is ASHRAF KHAN, my CARD NO is 4335 xxxx 5909 8889. Sir my problem is my bill is feb outstanding amount 92186 i pay min amount 8264 rs, next month my expense 150326 with penalty i send lot of mail to waiver of this penalty but no one help me. Then suddenly PM announced lockdown thats why my salary is blocked also i quarantine at home 2 month. i try lots off call to sbi credit card num but according to lockdown line is busy not connected any representative. thats why i cant pay bill or you charge me penalty also interest on amount.

so solution i can t pay full amount because of lockdown. you give some waiver like release all interest between lockdown period. i'll pay the amount release all charges or convert my amount to emi with relife interest during in lockdown 3-4 month. so ill pay if you can't this you plzz settlement this amount without affect my cibil score because its not my mistake this a bank mistake to provide me a emi options.

Mujahid Qazi

Wed, 10/21/2020 - 11:37


Dear Team,
This is Mujahid Qazi. I was applied 25th September 2020 for SBI Credit Card and it is approved with 40,000/- credit limit, but in process it showed as POLICY RULES INCOMPLETE RTB and may I know the quarry details. please contact me 9881932363.

Biranchi Kumar…

Thu, 11/19/2020 - 18:28


Respected Sir/Madam
I am received a new SBI Card(Simple Click). Hence I may Kindly request you to Surrender of my credit card (FBB). A line of conformation may please be sent to my mail for my information.
Biranchi Kumar Behera
O/o Supdt. of Police, CID,
Crime Branch, Odisha, Cuttack

Rakesh Sethi

Sun, 12/13/2020 - 14:08


Hi. i submit all documents from application and 3 inquiry is OK with from side. I was told my application will be processed within 10 days but its already been 15 days.

Shashi Ranjan

Thu, 12/24/2020 - 19:25


I requested to SBI card agency to change my address. Same process has been completed within a week. I am very happy and satisfied with excellent response provided by agency. I expect same response in future with me and all customer. Highly appreciated support provided by adrees change staff of Sbi card agency.

Deendayal Sharma

Wed, 01/27/2021 - 14:36


1800 180 1290/ 1860 180 1290 पर कॉल करने के बाद कॉल यह कहकर काट दी जाती है कि कस्टमर आर बिजी जो कि पूर्ण रूप से गलत है

काफी मशक्कत के बाद जब इन पर कॉल लग भी जाता है तो वह कुछ सूचनाएं मांगते हैं जो सूचनाएं देने पर भी यह कहकर कॉल काट दी जाती है कि सॉरी हमें आपका रिस्पांस नहीं मिला जबकि हम रिस्पांस देते हैं फिर भी कॉल काट देते हैं जिसके कारण बार-बार कॉल लगाना पड़ता है और काफी समय बर्बाद हो जाता है ऐसा मेरे साथ 27 जनवरी 2021 को हुआ है जिसके कारण मैं एसबीआई क्रेडिट कार्ड कस्टमर हेल्पलाइन से बहुत ही असंतुष्ट हूं। कृपा करके जल्दी से दुरुस्त कराएं

Muhammad Ravi A

Wed, 06/02/2021 - 22:27


Sir Iam SBI credit card holder, this month on 31/05/2021 my credit card bill mpayment day I have sufficient balance maintain in my SBI saving A/c but why did you applied late fee 590/- Rs for me plz sir I requested you plz remove my late fee Rs.590/-

I Hope you understand and Accept my Request and salvo my problem very soon.

Thanking you

I have paid my dues within a month still penalty of 2000 and above is being charged ..I have prove regarding that and I have difficulty in using app also ..I have problems in seeing my statement in app as well as I sometimes don't get notification regarding my dues.. I want to block this service forever.

Irfan Khan

Sat, 09/18/2021 - 17:35


Dear Sir / Madam
This is to inform you that I want to discontinue of my credit cards , Credit Card No 5XXXXXXXX9251357 and 4XXXXXXXX4386452, because I am not using Credit Cards , normally I used to other bank credit cards and please waive the amount of annual fee Charged 589+589 rupees which I unable to pay.

I would also like to inform you that I had lot of times to contact you but your customer care executive hold my call. So I am Irate & want to close the cards.

Hence I requested you to look into this matter and take necessary action urgently.

With Regards
Irfan Khan


Prachi Singh

Fri, 10/15/2021 - 11:35


i deposited 3000rs on 12/10/2021 to my sbi credit card. still it is not reflecting in my card statement and services of my card is blocked . again i paid 3000rs on 14/10/2021 ,still my card services blocked . unblock all the services of my card or just cancel my credit card . i don't want to be a part of SBI anymore.

Some of the executive One person made me a card together. The problem I had later was that the call did not lift also customer care. …. Worst service.


Fri, 02/04/2022 - 09:10


I have recently received my credit card. But I noticed that the name printed n the card is wrongly spelled. Please do let me know the steps to be taken to correct my name spell.

Wrong spelling: Sathayanarayana
Correct spelling: Sathyanarayana

Plz help us to correct the name on card asap.

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